If you are not that lucky, you will find that not long after you have had the interior walls of your home painted, the colours have started to peel off! This will leave you frustrated for sure, for when that happens your entire investment goes down the drain. Well, there are so many reasons behind it, but the most likely of them was, the older paints were not removed properly.
That is the reason, whenever at On Point Colour Painting Pty Ltd get any assignment of interior painting, out interior home painters in Sydney will put most emphasis on removal of the old interior paints, before anything else.
Here are the few methods that we follow to remove the old paints.
When they follow this method, our experts use wire brushes and a wide-blade putty knife from removing the smaller areas that have defective paints. They will scour beneath the clapboard siding laps, the downspouts as well as the gutters. When dealing with metal surfaces, they would use an electric drill attached with a wire brush. This will remove all the rust and the paint effortlessly.
When it comes to more extensive removal of old paints, they would use sharp pull scrapers with a replaceable blade that can strip the old off all the way, exposing the bare wall surface.
To smooth the edges of the scraped spots and patches here and there, they would use various types of sandpapers of varying grain dimensions. For the larger areas, they would not use sandpapers as it will be more tiring. Instead, our residential interior painters in Sydney will use electric orbiter sander, by moving it up & down and back & forth across the entire surface to remove the old paints and smoothen up the roughness of the surface.
To get rid of the heavier deposits of paints, the application of heat can be more effective than using muscle power. One of the ways that our experts follow is using an electrically powered paint remover. This device comes up with a heating plate, which roasts the paint. The device has a scrapper which then pulls off that roasted paint to the fullest, exposing the bare surface of the wall.
Liquid Paint Removing Agents
In some cases, our experts would use liquid paint removers as the last option, if the older paints are too stubborn. These removers do work well but are pretty expensive, more so if the assignment is a bigger one.
Though strictly speaking this does not include the paint removal process, this stage can very well be used as a footnote of the entire process. Once all the old paint is gone — both the loose and the stubborn ones, our experts will apply high-quality primers on the distressed areas, more so if removal of the paint has exposed raw wall surface including raw wood and bare metal. The variety of primers that the experts will use will depend upon the type of surface and the type of paint that will be used subsequently.
Our professional residential exterior painters in Sydney will follow the same steps to remove the old paints and follow it up by priming adequately. Once done, then only they will consider painting the walls. Now, this thorough process will make sure that the painting solution that we provide does not fail easily.