Want your ceiling to get painted? Whether to use roller or sprayer for painting the surfaces in your home, It’s quite a tough choice. Well, pain spraying is faster than the rolling- provided, there is good preparation work.
Get ready: If you’re going to use paint sprayers for your ceiling, it’s important to prepare for occasional splatters. You have to move your furniture out of the room and cover it with plastic sheets or canvas drop cloths. Our home interior painters in Sydney also wear protective clothing, hat and goggles while painting.
How Spraying is Different from Rolling:
No doubt spraying gives thicker paint layer and better colour consistency. But, there are several other factors to consider, including cost, preparation time and surface condition.
- Masking:Spraying needs you to mask the area that you don’t want to get painted. Every square inch you need to mask when spraying for interior painting in Sydney. In this way, you need to mask a huge area with a drop cloth. If you forget to mask an area, you won’t save that from getting painted. Whereas rolling reduces the amount of masking.
- Waste: Paint spraying wastes an incredible amount of paint, whereas rolling make use of every drop to apply on the surface.
- Adherence: Rolled paint goes down thick on the initial coat that adheres better to the surface. The tiny droplets on the wall do connect with each other as rolled-on paint.
However, the good news is the unmatched colour consistency from paint spraying can be done easily with back-rolling by our interior painters in Sydney. In this technique, the paint is sprayed on the wall and then quickly rolled down to let the droplets blend together.
A Few Better Applications of Paint Sprayer:
The fast and even application made the paint-spray popular. Here are a few applications as suggested by interior painting professionals in Lane Cove-
Priming the large interior space: At the initial phase of remodelling, you can spray paint your ceilings, walls and areas with abandon.
Painting an exterior with a clear perimeter: Exterior with mature landscaping, decking, garages or anything that is close to your house, does not need to be painted. It can decrease the preparation time drastically.
You Have Textured Wall to Spray On:
Be it complicated textures that are found across cottage cheese ceilings, deep exterior textures, dentils, built-up baseboard or masonry- spray paint can cover them all.
Our professionals for interior painting in Ermington have the ability to work into the narrowest crevices while applying a thin coat throughout. It is much more preferred than brushing or rolling that end up with pooled up paint and drips.
You may find it tempting to paint your ceiling with funky colour, but it’s better if you keep such preference saved for the accent wall. It will be great if you choose flat white for ceilings. It produce more light, infinite view, and can hide imperfections much better than the glossy paint.